Here’s to 2021

5 years ago

I had freshly decided I wanted to be an artist…for real.

I was sick of being half-assed with my art, and I was tired of my own excuses.

I had finally exhausted my hopes that coins thrown in wishing wells or prayers taking flight on shooting stars would do anything more than sweet fuck all…

I was ready to fully commit.

This small piece of writing was inspired by lots of changes, travels and major mental shifts.

I wrote it on the first day of 2016:

1st January 2016

I think it is far more important, intellectually progressive and courageous to KNOW and purposefully SEEK out the feeling of ‘insignificance’.

You are insignificant in the timeline of existence, and in the scale of the universe.

Does that upset you? It should excite you.

This feeling should inspire you, this feeling should bring you to tears of admiration.

If you have never felt this before, then you have never stood at the foot of something which truly holds weight in TIME and SPACE.

If you ever swim with the whale sharks, there is a majesty in greeting such an enormous species that has survived on this planet for 60 million years.

There is something breathtaking about setting your eyes on the almost unfathomable size of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. 

Plunging to 130 feet under the Caribbean ocean, swimming through the monumental and prehistoric stalactites in the Great Blue Hole of Belize.

The awesomeness of seeing the MOON eclipse the SUN, 5 minutes of complete darkness in broad day.

These fleeting moments give you a sense of how small you are in the grand scheme of life. And yet here you are. 

Aim to feel insignificant enough in your life time that you build the ability to have admiration for every small detail that is apart of each day, and connect with the universe.

You, by pure random chance, made it here. And inevitably one day you will be gone.

Me with the Mayan Calendar, Mexico City. Photo by BPH.

Me with the Mayan Calendar, Mexico City. Photo by BPH.